
Posted on: Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

Bamboo Crafts is Environmentally Friendly Business

Bamboo craft is a job or business that is not to be feared about the impact that will arise. From the beginning of construction are not necessary ingredients that are harmful to the environment, ie using only bamboo. Why does it say that the craft of bamboo is an environmentally friendly business? Here are some things that could clarify the statement above:
1. Bamboo crafts using natural materials, namely bamboo.
2. Making bamboo crafts in the hamlet of Tangkil not use ingredients that berahaya.
3. The remains of bamboo that is used can be discharged directly into natural or can be used as fuel for cooking in traditional ways.

Posted on: Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

Bamboo Craft Making Process

iratan sebagai bahan dasar
Bamboo craft is not really real is made by hand but needed some tools, such as special knives, scissors, machetes, saws, Uncheck or awl. Here is a stage made ​​of bamboo crafts:
1. Cutting bamboo
Choose bamboo as needed, consider fiber to be used, soft or strong.
2. Cut bamboo
Cut the bamboo into shorter the desired size. Eliminate the joints of bamboo. Use the main section of bamboo.
3. Cut the bamboo into small pieces.
4. Irat
Irat is the process dipilar small bamboo into sheets or fibers using a special knife.
5. Scale
Scales is the process of smoothing the fibers use traditional special knife.
6. Thin strip or fiber soaked (if necessary)
Thin strip soaked for 2-3 days, is intended to preserve and prevent the fungus. But when soaked it becomes less pleasant smells, but it proved more durable.
7. Weave
8. Membauat wengku or framework
wengku is tailored to what type of crafts are made. For the culvert then form a circle, etc.. Is twice the size, thin strip panjan created or adapted.
9. Mengku
Combining the webbing with wengku.
10. Njejet
Njejet is the process of giving all the parts wengku rope that has been merged in the webbing earlier. The rope used is raffia rope.

That was the stage in general. For this type of kerjinan who have innovated, then stage a little complicated.

Benefits of Bamboo

Bamboo is a natural resources are easily available in Hamlet Tangkil. in every corner of the village would be found in bamboo. Each element of these bamboo mempuyai benefits, including:
Bamboo rod
Bamboo is used for:
1. Bamboo crafts
2. Used to construct a fence
3. Used to make a clothesline
4. Used to make gedek or traditional wall
5. Used for making furniture such as desks and chairs
6. Used to make a stick
7. Used to create traditional homes, etc.

Bamboo leaf
Dried bamboo leaves are usually used as the main ingredient for member colors on tambir. The trick is to burn the leaves are then put tambir on it with the distance is not too close to the fire so as not to burn. Fire should not be too big, just enough smoky course, in order to produce good color.

Posted on: Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

Know More About Bamboo Handycraft

Tangkil Hamlet is a hamlet located in the village of Muntuk, District Dlingo, Bantul regency, about 40 km from the city center. Hamlet is far from the frenzied city, but do not shut themselves from the advances of information. Bamboo is a natural resource that can be found around hamlets Tangkil housing residents. With the utilization of these resources, then the people in this village can meet the needs of families with a rogue use a bamboo handicrafts that will have many benefits. It is said crafts because the manufacturing process is done manually by hand. This is because the required accuracy and precision. What's more to the process of weaving. These crafts are the main livelihoods of the people, in addition to farming. Craft knowledge is obtainable from generation to generation and still exists today. This bamboo crafts including home industry. Every home or the family must make bamboo handicrafts. In fact every day this Tangkil villagers will definitely wrestle with bamboo. To get this bamboo, the population will be cut down around the house. So, do not be hard to find bamboo. In addition they also buy from other areas who do not take advantage of bamboo. This is done because sometimes the bamboo around the house does not fit the required criteria. For the base material or a thin strip will further require that seratannya soft bamboo. But for wengku or just need a bamboo frame that hard. Things like this is taken into account. Before Indonesia medeka, these crafts have been there. Starting with making tambir or tray width. That is the basis of handicrafts made by the people of this village. Then slowly growing bamboo craft with many innovations. Among the sewer or trash can, pencil, place tissue, and a fresh vegetable. Until today many motifs that are created. For the motive still remains with the motive tambir loro step or two steps. For culverts many motives that have been created. Making bamboo craft does not recognize holidays. Every day will make bamboo handicrafts. Just as people work in offices. But the difference is without rules. Usually in the afternoon of the mothers gathered in one place to frolic. However, different from the activities carried out in this village. The mothers in the afternoon at a neighbor for example, but not just "talk" but they bring their craft work. They usually assemble, and finish their respective jobs. Not in a group. But not only the mothers are working, but the father also worked. The mother is more specific to make thin strip, weaving, coloring, and njejet. Another with the father. The father is more specific in making the framework and mengku or combine wicker with wengku. Usually in a family will work together to finish with one kind of bamboo craft. Every family has a type of bamboo handicraft different. Families with older people usually make tambir. But for the productive age usually make the sewer, pencil, place tissue or making bamboo crafts that have been innovated. But age did not influence in making this craft. Elementary school children can make crafts bamboo. In the holiday period is usually used to make bamboo kerjinan or simply helping a parent, so there is no word sebenarnaya nanggur. These bamboo handicrafts are sold in town or out of town. To tambir usually sold in traditional markets. But for the culvert is usually marketed around the Jogjakarta, Jakarta, Bandung and Surabaya. The father of selling goods outside the town is not easy and inexpensive. The cost of the package and residential contracting needs to be taken into account. There was not a by opening a booth at the contract, but the trade round. They usually go home once or twice a month. Once seterusnaya. It is a struggle for the home kitchen still steaming. With me make this blog is expected to market the craft of bamboo in my village. Hopefully with this blog marketing craft more wide open in the market as well as media promotion and publicity.